Easy No-Bake Chocolate Chip Energy Balls


One of my favorite things to do is to spend time in the kitchen with my son.  He has loved helping me with meal-prep for about three years now, since he was about 1.5.  When he was younger, he would help me tear kale or lettuce to put into the colander, or stand at the sink and wash potatoes.  Now that he is older he has a child-safe knife and helps chop a few ingredients for salad or soups.  And of course he loves helping bake as there is always something sweet to sample!


He is 4.5 now and still helps at meal-time.  He loves running out to the garden to grab basil or chives for dinner.  We have had so much outdoor time lately (which is one of the wonderful things about summer!) but he hasn't been my mini-assistant in the kitchen for a few weeks. My younger daughter was napping today, and were reading a library book that included a No-Bake Energy Ball recipe at the end.  We decided to try them, but to change up the ingredients to make them our own.  These Easy No-Bake Chocolate Chip Energy Balls were the result.




We had a blast making these together.  It took about 10 minutes in total!  He loved tasting the coconut flakes, and of course the chocolate chips too!  These balls are perfectly kid-friendly because they don't require baking or chopping, and my son could even shape them into balls (or ovals!) by himself.  He felt so proud and couldn't wait to share them with his sister after her nap.  The whole family enjoyed them and it reminded me that healthy, easy snacks don't need to be store-bought.




-1 1/4 cup of old-fashion oats
-2/3 cup coconut flakes
-1/2 cup almond butter (or any nut butter/sun butter)
-1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
-1/4 cup maple syrup
-1 tsp. vanilla extract

1. Mix all the ingredients together in a medium bowl until thoroughly combined.
2. Roll the dough into balls.
3. Enjoy! (Or store in the fridge for later.)



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